Friday, 5 March 2010

In the trailer for Shutter Island, there are a lot of interesting features that are used to promote the film. The director's name; Martin Scorsese, stands out on its own as a promotion, because of his successful background. The basic outline of the story is described through using scenes from the film, in scenes with Leonardo Di Caprio and other supporting characters talking.

The music is non diagetic and is used in conjuction with the editing. The music gets faster and louder and the trailer progresses with the flashes of light and faster cuts.This is used for suspense and horror. There is diagetic sound being used with dialogue, wind, crashing and sea waves during the scenes trailer is setting the film. The editing is mostly montage cuts with lots of fade outs and ins to accompany it.

The camera shots used include close ups, which take up the majority of the shots, as the trailer portrays that the story is character driven, so using close ups shows that there is a lot of dialogue. The wide shots are used to display the environments. They are all used to show the scenery and the characters of the film to familiarise them with the audience, so they will see the film in the cinemas.

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